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Showing posts with label Poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poverty. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Poverty and Loss of Family Values is why Crime has Risen
By Lynn A. Granata

Families of today have a lot to think about. It's not very easy. Most families want to raise their children in a stable environment.
The middle class has suffered many set backs in recent years. Recessions, inflation and unemployment have dampened the spirit of many American families.
To add to such trouble is the prolongation of suffering in poverty for a middle class family that has suffered from a major life changing event.
Unemployment is the most common set back for those who live pay check to pay check. One pay check away from being put out on the street haunts most American families who are struggling to make ends meet.
Children who grow up in poverty are at an all time high in growing up to engage in a life of crime than are their wealthier peers.
Single parent homes can't give a child the same amount of attention as two parent homes. Nonetheless, it's the loss of family values that stunts the growth of children growing up in poverty. It's a double edged sword.
Impoverished children get involved with gangs. They are more apt to commit petty crimes, such as stealing and shop lifting. They have no older adults available to supervise them. The loss of family values has caused a generation of misfits to lose respect for authority.
Nowadays, there are no more sit down dinners at suppertime. Parents have to work long hours to get paid a sustainable amount of money to keep their roofs over their heads.
How are kids going to learn family values? Politicians can't come up with good honest answers.
More decent paying jobs need to be created. So that parents will have more time to spend with their children.

Friday, October 23, 2015

50 Years Since the Brutal Torture Murder of Sylvia Likens

Fifty Years Since the True Torture Murder of Sylvia Likens

By Lynn A. Granata

    Back in the summer of 1965, a pretty 16 year old girl and her 15 year old sister were invited to stay with Indiana's infamous Gertrude Baniszewski.

      On approximately July 3, 1965,  the two young ladies had just met two of Gertrude's small daughters. The girls were invited by Marie Baniszewski and Shirley Baniszewski to go to their house in Indianapolis and meet their older sister, Paula. Sylvia Likens and Jenny Likens originally met the Baniszewski's in church. And rode the church bus home on this particular day.

        After they went to their house, the two girls then decided to stay because their carnie parents had no place to leave them for the summer, while they were touring with the carnival. Mr. Likens agreed to pay Gertrude $20 a week to board his two daughters at the Baniszewski's.

       In the beginning of this arrangement, Paula Baniszewski was friendly with Sylvia and Jenny. A few week's later, Gertrude's check didn't arrive in the mail. When the 2 girls got home from school that day, Gertrude forced the two girls to go downstairs to the basement. The two girls were both whipped with a belt, Gertrude was angry because her $20 check was late.

       As time went by, the scapegoated violence toward Sylvia escalated. Her sister Jenny was spared because she coercively agreed with the Baniszewski family to take part in Sylvia's abuse. Sylvia its been speculated took this abuse for both herself and her younger sister who was also afflicted with polio.

        If you're wondering why this all happened in the first place, there's more than one answer.  The answers of course are unjustified, but to the Baniszewski's however, they were. No matter how wrong it was.

       Sylvia it's believed was spreading gossip around the high school that the children attended. It was speculated that she told everyone in her class that Paula and Stephanie Baniszewski were sluts.

      Sylvia was beaten and battered with a vast array of housing items. She was constantly beaten with broom sticks and burned by cigarettes, branded with a hot poker, starved,and sexually molested with a coke bottle.

    The suspects were Gertrude and her 7 children and their friends. Since this is such a long story, to make it short Sylvia was put in the basement, starved, was given scalding baths, she was forced to eat her own vomit.

   She eventually succumbed to such brutal trauma that was inflicted on her and then died a painful death from her injuries in October 1965.

        The Baniszewski family was charged with murder. The children plea bargained and most of them served out their time in juvenile detention centers or were placed into foster care.

       Gertrude was sentenced to prison for life, but then because of good behavior her sentence was reduced to 20 years in prison. She was released from Indiana State Prison in 1985 and she served the rest of her time on parole. She moved to Iowa, changed her name, and she died in the summer of 1990 at the age of 62. She developed lung cancer from years of excessive chain smoking.

    It was a cruel shocking crime, and it was true! To see the whole story, watch  An American Crime. It stars Katherine Keener as Gertrude and Ellen Page as Sylvia.

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